26 Dec 2012

21 Dec 2012

we are..

yes. we are a gang of loser. 
because we got the same heart.
("the dears- you and i are a gang of losers") 
so, no need to judge other people.
and no need to hate.
spread the love & have a nice day. hehe :)

20 Dec 2012

animal heads and fries??

New drawings :) weee

 Actually, i just want to make a sketch of these animal heads for my tote project. 
but i don't know why it came out like this. haha
look like a pattern kan kan?? *angguk la kepala..

this one.huh..boleh buat air liur drooling-drooling. 
dah lama tak makan fries. dan teringat kawan-kawan semua.
muda-muda dulu, suka lepak McD.nak lepak McD pun, we got our own strategy. haha
five of us. Biasanya, mesti dah bahagi tugas siap-siap. 
Sorang akan 'cop' tempat. Dua orang pegi line up & order. Lagi dua orang pegi ambil sos bagai.
Part yang kalau makan fries tak boleh 'bla'. Habis satu dulang penuh dengan mountains of fries.
 Dengan taburan garamnya, yang macam snowflakes.
*bayangkan-bayangkan. huhu..yumm2x
kalau makan fries dengan cheese powder tu lagi la. tu yang 'over shake shake'.
dang! miss em so much.

tapi..itu dulu.
sekarang, i'll try my best to avoid all-the-mcd2 ni. :)
nampaknya,saya dah berkata-kata agak banyak. 
ok.bai.tc ^^

15 Dec 2012

dont go

this drawing inspired by a song. 'Dont go' by BMTH ft Lights.
but in my own meaning version.haha

tak tahu apa yang bakal kita hadapi dan apa yang kita akan jadi di masa hadapan.
susah untuk lepaskan semua nikmat yang kita ada sekarang.
takut kebuntuan tuntutan hidup menakluk imaginasi-imaginasi indah dan liar yang pernah kita punyai.
arghhh.. susah nak cakap. 
memang sah dah merepek. =_=

apa-apa pun, MOVE ON! :)

mr. moo gets angry

hello. introducing mr.moo.
Yea.. im so happy. this is my first attempt to make an animated gif.
but still, theres a lot i need to learn & improve
**pity mr.moo .

12 Dec 2012

hey ladies

lately i keep posting my sketching/contengan. OK. malas nak tulis sebenarnya. :) also for today, i was chained by the 'lazy spirits' (*apela merepek ni).. so here they are, my new buddies.

what you should do when people staring at you in a disgusting ways?
1. acts like you dont care.

2. make an annoying face. 

That's all for today. stay tuned for the next tips.

11 Dec 2012

daily draw:what to do #1

this is just a piece of my scrap (comapared dengan illustration yang hebat-hebat, apelah sangat contengan patik ini yang macam budak tadika punya artworks.hee). tapi.. i do it with all my heart and soul. *chewahh. and so meaningful.

8 Dec 2012

dolly #2

dolly update!! yeay.

Now we are a big family. ^-^

all of them are +/- 12 inches tall. and made from felt and cotton. soft to touch and hold :) im looking forward to make a new design. tunggguuuuu. hee

*tu je? haah. hari ni malas nak tulis.