Hi. So, it has been a loooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggg time. I miss my old days where I've so many free times to spend, doing things that i like. I'm not missing an action. Well as an adult, i have to start looking for a job. And yes i got it. BUT, it was a nightmare for me. Now i know how nasty and cruel this real life. (baru tahu ke?heh..) I've no problem with the company's system but the way they manage it and the way they do their business are totally make my rebel spirit rushed through my veins. Dan ramai cakap, "come on la Aten, that's the nature of business and sales." Oh yeah? Sorry and come on la dude, that's not my nature.I'm not saying that i'm totally a pure, innocent or angelic person but how can i sit calmly, crossing my arms and legs, watching all the LIES? "kalau itu ini tak boleh aten, macam mana nak maju dalam bisnes?" i don't give a **** man, as long as i know i'm doing the right thing. dan itu tak termasuk lagi cerita betapa terdesaknya seorang manager ni try to take over our mind,body and soul (amboi, ok itu hiperbola.haha) dengan mengindoktrinasikan 'duit adalah segala-galanya'.
"Dengan duit, kau orang boleh buat macam-macam, boleh beli segala-galanya. Even cinta dan kasih sayang mak bapak kau orang pun boleh beli. Kau orang boleh ada berapa banyak orang gaji yang kau mau. Macam aku. Letak je kaki atas meja, dia orang bukak stokin. Ada lipas je dalam rumah aku, dia orang mati " blablabla
Bukan nak cakap aku pejuang cinta tegar tapi ini sudah lebih. Macam hedonisme pun ada. Nak cerita panjang pun tak guna. Tapi kalau kau orang ada dalam situasi aku, rasa nak baling kasut je dekat uncle sorang ni. Mungkin aku juga ada silap pemahaman niat sebenar yang cuba disampaikan. Atau mungkin emosi dan jiwa memberontak aku silap tempat dan masa. Tapi cukuplah.
At this point of time, i feel like doing nothing but just focus on my craft/art business plan.That's the only thing i'm passionate about. Tapi lepas baca "Why artist & illustrator should get a job". I'm neither an artist nor an illustrator, but it is wisely written and gave me a "pang" a lil bit. haha. So again, start looking for a new job.
Semoga dipermudahkanNya :)
p/s: PRU13? =_=