29 Jan 2013


Hari-hari menghadap felt, labtop, sketchbook memang berpusing-pusing mata.
Sekali-sekala layan keindahan alam sambil layan lagu Emancipator ka, Tycho ka, Celtic Music ka, tenang jugak. :)

i love looking at the sky.
look, how brilliant the color combinations are.
* Glorious is Allah ^-^

#2: "the earth has music for those who listen" - Shakespeare

Sorry, hari ni mood jiwang suam-suam kuku.haha

23 Jan 2013


Salam. Hello.
This gonna be just a quick update. hopefully =_='

After creating a page on facebook; Bilalarutmalam Shop ,  
dapat la order dan request. 
Boleh la jugak cover topup expenses sikit-sikit kan.
*orang jobless kan, bila dapat duit sikit pun dah guling-guling gembira.haha
I felt a lil bit of pressure and stressful when sewing for someone.
Biasalah. Takut tak jadi seperti apa yang mereka harapkan.
Tapi, feel like flying in the air when people are 
so happy and they appreciate my work.
Tengok diaorang senyum dah rasa macam 
"Wahhhh.. semangat lagi nak create something new" hehe

OK. ni baru update-nya. huh

Lily and Hana had been adopted by my new lovely friend. 
Visit her blog Lukisanimagi. :)

The B got a new friend.Yeay!
My old-best friend requested for a pinky version :)

New friends for bunny (bunny.nation edition.)
Kitty and Owly :)

OK. itu sahaja. Laju kan? haha
TC kawan-kawan.

20 Jan 2013

18 Jan 2013

new friends

we have new members in our Weirdo Club :)

from left to right: the patriot, the mosher,
 the mermad (seriously, not mermaid haha) and.. the freakstein.

and sadly those four buddies stitches quite messy.
maklumlah, sambil jahit tengok bola.
inilah akibatnya.
tak fokus dan tak tenteram jadinya. huhu
so... lets take a family photo. yeahhhh!

Mr. Big Misai a.k.a the Patriot try to interrupt.
and again!
haha.. total chaos.

at last...
happy family.
have a nice weekend with your family too :)

17 Jan 2013

SOAD & The Silent Warrior

I can't sleep last night (again!). need sleeping pills i guess.
So... i ended up spending my night watching the "Listen" issue & SOAD concerts on youtube
Listening to the SOAD songs taking me a walk down memory lane.

Ingat lagi, start dengar lagu depa waktu darjah 6..lagu toxicity tengah 'hot' time tu.hihi
Waktu tingkatan 3 pulak (kalau tak silap laa), teman ayah beli barang dekat Giant. 
Singgah kedai musik.Ternampak la pulak album baru depa masa tu; mezmerize.
Ayah kesian tengok muka sekupang je agaknya, maka dia pun offer.. 
" akak nak ke? ambik la. Tapi balik nanti sorok tau. Jangan bagi ibu nampak" hahaha
tapi akhirnya, kantoi jugak dengan ibu. 
Ibu takut sebenarnya sebab ibu ingat tu band BlackMetal. haha

while listening to the concert, 
i worked out my old sketch that had been 'tersadai' for a lonnnnggg time.
and at last

not realistic enough. lame face figure. haha
but it is kind of a self-expression from my deep heart.hoho
and i named her, Silent Warrior.

have a nice day my friends. TC! :)

14 Jan 2013

sleepy head

Today.. whoaa..
a hot day, a lazy day, a sleepy day.
everything feels not right.
i am not in the mood to sew.

here are some not-so-old-not-so-new (haha) what am i working on recently.

men-conteng on a tote bag. hoho

and doing this, makes my markers are almost dry.
ibu!! i need a set of new one.
jalan-jalan dekat bookstore aritu jumpa...


gosh.. makes me drooled.
and again, i'm broke.
all i can do was keep staring at them.
sedih kan? haha. (*carila kerja cepat dong)

dah..sambung kerja.
TC kawan-kawan. :)

12 Jan 2013

new family!

i felt sorry for bad aunty for being all alone.
so i make some friends for her. haha


the idea is sooo random. They are inspired by Phua Chu Kang's wife, Dato Lat's cartoon, an aunty i met at pasar ikan, jambu maharaja lawak mega, merlin movie, cameron highland and.... etc..


tip_selit: #act dumb, you will learn more
i got this from a novel written by Hlovate
memang ada benar nya di situ. 
so, tak salah la kan bila orang tanya;
" weh, buat apa?"
dan kita jawab, " buat bodoh" haha. (* kesitu pulak)

dah. TC guys! :)

9 Jan 2013

lalala kerja

i was sleeping silently last night when suddenly i heard noisy movements coming from my working space. with a high curiosity level and a lil bit of courage, i made my mind to see what was going on. Oh man, dang shocked bila nampak....

perhimpunan bersih bunny.nation?
lead by bad aunty ?
what is their agenda? 
ok.this has gone too far.

sorry guys. did i mess up your mind?haha
bila kerja agak banyak dan setiap hari buat benda yang sama,
i tend to get distracted easily dan merepek meraban.
ini lah jadinya. make up a trashy story.

 but thats fine.

some cut-cut works
ready to fly to their new home..weee

now get back to work. hiyaaah!
TC! :)

7 Jan 2013

bad aunty

can't sleep last two nights. puas tenung kipas tapi tak boleh nak lelap mata jugak. 
an image keep lingering in my mind. and can't get out of my head.
so i started to do some sketch of the image.

turn it into a plushie.. hoho

inspired by an aunty.
yes. ternampak seorang aunty somewhere i can't recall.
rambut dia bulat macam plushie ni. so cute.
tapi tanduk tu tak ada la kan.. haaha.
sebab you la aunty, saya tak boleh tidur.
bad aunty! :p