28 Nov 2012

blacu dolls

Arghhhh... there's loooooooooooooootsss of things i want to do. and i don't know, which one should i start first. and... sadly i end up with doing nothing. yeah. shame on ME! haha.

btw, here are snippet of what im working on recently.. huh.. ni pun kerja macam kura-kura, berhari-hari tak siap jugak.

20 Nov 2012

hey john, whats your name again?

this is trial yang ke berapa tah nak buat skin tone. 
so rambut, malas nak color. muahaha

#sorry TDWP, pinjam tajuk lagu kome kejap 
sebab aku tak tau nak tulis tajuk apa. haaha

18 Nov 2012

sunday obsession: galaxy paint!

salam peeps :)

so, as for today (seperti dinyatakan di tajuk) galaxy paint. yeay! as usual, mr google never fail to inspire me. 

tengah syok-syok bersiar-siar di google image, tiba-tiba hujan rahmat turun mencurah-curah disertakan dengan kilat,petir,guruh (aku tak taulah apa beza tiga-tiga ni). "hah, petir dah berdentum tunggu apa lagi. Switch off semua. Korang tak takut ke hah?" kata ibuku.

maka aku pun duduk termenung. tak tahu nak buat apa.
"hemmm.. apa kata try buat galaxy paint dekat tote bag" **monolog dalaman. haha

and..... walaaaaaahhh

dah siap :) walaupun tak secantik mana. tapi yang penting, have fun! lalala~

pstttttt... and dont forget dear, to pray for our brothers and sisters in palestine ;( May Allah save 'em.

15 Nov 2012

a place to keep your money warm

i make these two buddies quite a long time ago. but i was too lazy to transfer these photos from my camera. haha. 

- about 5x4 inches
- materials: felt, cotton & compressed sponge, buttons

- 7.5x7.5 inches
- material: felt

and of course, both are 100% hand sewn ( sebab tak pro pakai mesin jahit! haha =_=' ). anyone interested? i can make it more.. *grinning + sparkling eyes


Hola! At this moment, im officially jobless. Sooo, i have looooooots of times to do what i like. Wehuu ^-^
Tapi kadang-kadang bingit jugak telinga bila orang tanya, "bila nak cari kerja ni? tak kan nak memerap je dekat rumah?".. dan aku hanya senyum kambing. haha

Back to the topic, recently i am so fanatic with dolls. So, here they are :3

1. brainstorm
2. draw & trace the pattern
3. cut -- sew--- stuffing


im still looking for their names. Thinking of hana & sofie ( cehh..macam bagi nama anak pulak). They are about 12 inches tall made from felt (body, hood, tops, handbags), cotton (dress/skirt) and some beads.

'say hye to em' :)

looking forward to make more new friends for them.
bila dah banyak nanti, maybe can be adopted pulak.

10 Nov 2012

stay with me

i was listening to 300 violins orchestra metal remix and silent hill soundtracks while playing with my bamboo tablet and photoshop. and suddenly this girl came out of my mind.

tau. still many many many more need to be improved. dan saya budak baru belajar.haha  (adik cheq siap komen "awat hidung dia penyek sebelah kak?" **cehh). geram betul bila tengok magazine graphic. macam mana lah depa punya artworks superb macam tu.

anyway, i do have fun :)